Feel the Orient in Bišćevića House in Mostar

The Bišćevića House is  a 350 year old house from the Ottoman period that has been turned into a museum.

 If you are interested in learning about the way of life in Ottoman times, and about the Turkish culture in general, you will enjoy this visit very much. The house is surrounded by the high walls which were built to  ensure an absolute privacy and to make sure that women could completely relax in their garden and be protected from the curious looks from the street. 
A rich collection of needle work and other hand-work can be seen in the living room. Also, here you get to see a sample of clothing and other products of daily use of the family that lived here almost four centuries ago.

The courtyard is a nice place to rest.  The ground is decorated with circles of pebbles divided into five sectors indicating  the number of times Muslims should pray each day.
The fountain has 12 spouts for the months, filling four watering pots for the seasons.
You may be offered a coffee and Baclava which is very common way of treating guests in the Balkans, if they really liked you apart from their usual professional role.



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