Visit Radmilja Necropolis in Herzegovina

Radmilja is a  field filled with stećak.

Stećak are unique medieval tombstones that can be found in different locations all over Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighboring countries. Radimlja, located just outside of the town of Stolac, has the highest concentration of these medieval tombstones, with over 100 examples of the stećci monuments.

The tombstones are huge rocks, many with decorations carved on the sides. Strolling through the stone necropolis, you can find inscriptions of greeting figures, horsemen, cattle animals, the Moon and stars, swords, flowers, and geometric patterns. Many tombstones have the distinctive shape of a house with walls and a tilted roof, like a symbolic home in the afterlife.

There are a few places in Bosnia where you can see these. It’s unlike anything else you can see anywhere in the world, and it’s one of many proofs of Bosnia existing centuries prior to the Ottomans arriving in the region.


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