Sa gotovo polovinom površine na području krša, Bosna i Hercegovina obiluje pećinskim svijetom u najvećoj mjeri…
Bosnian ancient tradition: Bullfights of Grmeč
Bullfights in Bosnia are an ancient tradition. A symbol of power in the Mediterranean since before…
ICAR Canned Beef Monument in Sarajevo: The most ironic monument in Bosnia
Traces and memorials of the 1992-95 siege of Sarajevo can still be seen throughout the city.…
Keeping tradition alive: The Coppersmith Street
In the many layers of Sarajevo’s history, the one that defines the city the most is…
Visit the most important mosque in Sarajevo, Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque
Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque in one of the oldest religious monuments in Sarajevo. Built in the…
European Jerusalem: Visit the Old Orthodox Church in Sarajevo
Sarajevo is called European Jerusalem or Mini Jerusalem because it is a home to four great…
Perućica: Europe’s Last Jungle
Even though jungles are mostly associated with more tropical world regions, Bosnia also has one. When…
Sacred Heart Cathedral: Visit the Bosnian Notre-Dame
The Sacred Heart Cathedral is a Catholic church in Sarajevo; commonly referred as the Sarajevo Cathedral.…
Go back in time in Svrzo’s House
Bosnia has been under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for almost 500 years. In the…
Vijećnica: Is it cursed?
Vijećnica or the City Hall is one of the most important cultural monuments and the most…