Sarajevo Clock Tower: The only public clock in the world that keeps lunar time

Dating back to the 16th-century and towering next to the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque in the center of the city, the old Sarajevo clock tower is one of the tallest in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The current clockwork mechanism was installed in 1876. It was imported from the London watchmaking firm Gillett & Johnson, because of this it has sometimes been referred to as “Little Ben”. The arcane machinery does not follow the standard time, but instead marks time based on the movement of the sun and moon so that the locals can time their prayers, thus the clock strikes midnight a sunset in the town. The delicate astronomical measurements required to keep time with the turning of celestial bodies requires that the clock be calibrated every three days or so. This responsibility has fallen to a single clock keeper who has reset the gilded clock hands right on schedule since the 1960’s. He is honored by the task, considering it a holy calling.

Since the original religious purpose behind the lunar timepiece has long since had its meaning obscured, most tourists simple think the four sides of the clock tower are keeping bad time, and even many locals are unaware of the significance of the strange timepiece, yet like the inexorable turning of the sun and moon, it is unfailingly reset despite what people think.