U Vilsonovom šetalištu Sarajlije i turisti imat će priliku slušati mlade muzičare Srednje muzičke škole. U…
Sarajevo’s legend about the Child’s Tomb at Old St. Michael the Archangel Church
The local legend goes like this: some time ago a child was strangled by his stepmother…
The unusual War Hostel in Sarajevo provides a glimpse of life under a siege
The siege of Sarajevo durring the Bosnian War lasted for almost four years. This made it…
The City of Sarajevo: One-of-a-kind cultural tapestry
It’s truly difficult to find one word in the English language that could truly describe the…
Visit Sarajevo’s oldest mosque, the Emperor’s Mosque
The Emperor’s Mosque is an important landmark in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, being the first mosque…
ICAR Canned Beef Monument in Sarajevo: The most ironic monument in Bosnia
Traces and memorials of the 1992-95 siege of Sarajevo can still be seen throughout the city.…
Keeping tradition alive: The Coppersmith Street
In the many layers of Sarajevo’s history, the one that defines the city the most is…
Visit the most important mosque in Sarajevo, Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque
Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque in one of the oldest religious monuments in Sarajevo. Built in the…
European Jerusalem: Visit the Old Orthodox Church in Sarajevo
Sarajevo is called European Jerusalem or Mini Jerusalem because it is a home to four great…
Sacred Heart Cathedral: Visit the Bosnian Notre-Dame
The Sacred Heart Cathedral is a Catholic church in Sarajevo; commonly referred as the Sarajevo Cathedral.…